Climate change is the most serious problem facing our planet. Every living creature depends on our ecosystem being able to provide us with oxygen. The rainforests are the largest supplier of clean air. The problem is we’re clearing them out to make way for cattle, farming and construction. The proceeds from our first collection have been buying acres of rainforests with our partner, CoolEarth, and returning them to locals in Peru, the Congo and Papua New Guinea, for stewardship. 

For $80 USD we can save an entire acre of rainforest when our friends at Cool Earth buy the land and put local custodians in charge of it's protection. By developing local livelihoods, the Cool Earth mission is to end the cycle of deforestation entrenching villages into further poverty. Creating strong, self-determining communities – not dependency. Here's more on the Cool Earth Save-An-Acre Program


 Image by Gabriel Tichy/Stocksy